Unlock the Potential of Private Credit

Connect with top-tier Brazilian credit opportunities through our blockchain-powered platform.

European regulation

Drexfy is in two regulatory programs run by the CMVM and the Bank of Portugal:

FinLab, a communication channel where the authorities (CMVM and BdP) provide guidance on how to operate the regulatory framework in the European financial system.

Market4Growth (CMVM), Sandbox to improve capital market efficiency and simulate capital raising using financial instruments.

Take Advantage
High Interest Market

The difference between the Brazilian Interbank Rate (CDI) and European Deposit Rates creates a lucrative opportunity for international investors.

Taking advantage of these markets, you can enjoy the best of both worlds, ensuring superior returns and a more balanced portfolio.

10x mais rápido
Poupe meses de desenvolvimento com nossa plataforma low-code e APIs que qualquer desenvolvedor pode usar

Implemente a sua blockchain e comece a criar os seus próprios contratos inteligentes em minutos, não em semanas. Configure os seus produtos rapidamente e concentre seus esforços no que realmente importa.

Desenvolva com seus devs web2
Evite as dores de contratar e treinar desenvolvedores especializados em blockchain e contratos inteligentes

Crie produtos bancários e financeiros na blockchain com os seus próprios programadores web2 através da nossa plataforma low-code e APIs fáceis de usar

Aumente seu lucro
Aumente as suas receitas e otimize processos caros e ineficientes

Nossos serviços oferecem novas fontes de receita, como transformar e trocar ativos em tokens digitais. Além disso, com as ferramentas automatizadas da blockchain, os bancos podem trabalhar mais rapidamente e reduzir as tarefas manuais, poupando tempo e dinheiro.

Better returns through tokenization

Drexfy's technology leverages the efficiency and security provided by stablecoins and blockchain to the reduce transaction costs European investors traditionally face to access higher yield markets.

Higher yields than in Europe.


Structured products in Brazil offer high return opportunities, driven by historically high interest rates, benefiting investments linked to local assets.

Brazil's Credit Market is worth 5 Trillion Reais.

Credit Market Expansion

The Brazilian credit market is booming, offering new opportunities for investors. With favorable policies and growing demand, returns are increasingly attractive, making Brazil a promising destination for credit investments.

Brazil's GDP is 1.75 Trillion Euros.

Economic Growth

Brazil is experiencing stable economic growth, offering safe and lucrative opportunities for investors. With a diversified and constantly developing market, the country stands out as a promising destination for long-term investments.

Support for Non-Resident Investors

We take care of the entire investment process.

Juridical Validity

Our operation is fully legally validated, guaranteeing security and legal compliance at every stage of your investment.

International Investment Security

Our service offers robust security in line with financial market standards, guaranteeing protection for your international investments.

Fiscal Regularization

We take care of the entire process of creating CPF and CNPJ for investors, ensuring compliance with international tax regulations in a simple and secure way.

Sign up to increase the efficiency of your operation

Leverage our technology to access high-yield markets in a simple, efficient and regulated manner.

Securitization Company
  • No setup fee
  • Commercial Note
  • Debenture
  • CRI e CRA
  • Investment Funds
  • FIDCs
  • Higher yield than the traditional market
  • Investment payments soon after maturity
  • Access to investments from funds
  • No deposit fees
  • No account maintenance fees
  • No withdrawal fees
  • 24/7 Support

Invest smarter with Drexfy. Get started today.

Important Legal Notice

This website is operated by Drexfy and is intended exclusively for Professional Investors, as defined by applicable laws and regulations in Portugal and the European Union.

By accessing this website, you represent and warrant that you are a Professional Investor and agree to provide all necessary documentation to prove your status, including but not limited to satisfactory completion of Drexfy's Know Your Customer (KYC), Know Your Business (KYB), and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures.

The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell any securities or make any other investment.

Any investment decision you make should be based solely on your own assessment of your financial circumstances and investment objectives.

While we strive to ensure that the information provided on this website is accurate and up-to-date, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the website or the information contained therein.

By using this website, you assume full responsibility for the risks associated and agree that Drexfy, its affiliates, directors, employees, or agents shall not be liable for any losses or damages arising from the use of this website.

The investment products and services presented on this website are intended exclusively for Qualified Investors, as defined in Article 30 of the Portuguese Securities Code (Decree-Law No. 486/99, of November 13, as amended).Qualified Investors are considered to be:

a) Credit institutions;
b) Investment firms;
c) Insurance companies;
d) Collective investment undertakings and their management companies;
e) Pension funds and their management companies;
f) Other authorized or regulated financial institutions;
g) Entities dealing in financial instruments on commodities;
h) National and regional governments, central banks, and public bodies that manage public debt, supranational or international institutions;
i) Other legal entities that meet two of the three requirements:
1) own funds ≥ €2 million;
2) total assets ≥ €20 million;
3) net turnover ≥ €40 million.

We do not guarantee that the contents of this website are appropriate or available for use outside of Portugal.Nothing on this website constitutes an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to subscribe to or purchase any investments.

Currently, Drexfy is not available to investors from Burundi, the Central African Republic, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, the United States, Venezuela and Yemen.

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